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July 2011 IPG update - Toby Elliott
Articolo del 21-6-2011 a cura di

It's the 20th, so we have a lot to talk about today. After a ton of discussion, we're concerned about Standard and have banned Jace and... wait, wrong one.
Worldgorger Dragon is no worse than all the other infinite combos running around Commander, so it's unbanned... no, not that one either.
A busy time for Magic, but it's also time for an update to the IPG, which is now available here! The MTR got some small tweaks too, mostly to handle Karn Liberated in ways you expect it to work and to clarify when players choose to play or draw.
There's one big change to talk about this time. We've rewritten the whole section on how to handle Deck/Decklist penalties. In short, assuming that you believe the error was an accident (and if you don't, you're in the wrong section anyway), always fix the decklist to match the deck. This reflects the fact that, while the decklist is important as a way to keep players from changing their decks throughout a tournament, the deck itself is far more likely to reflect what the player is actually playing, and the Game Loss itself is sufficient penalty for having failed to register things correctly.
We carefully considered the potential for abuse that this change would create and ultimately concluded that there wasn't much, and almost certainly not enough to offset the Game Loss. Most of the time, the reason for the error is obvious (especially once you've talked to the player) which makes detection of actual abuse cases easy enough to make it dangerous for the player to try. The risk-reward benefit just isn't there (and the corners in which it might be aren't really affected by the change).
As a side effect, we hope that this will discourage judges from leaning too hard on the 'obviousness' downgrade option. That was never intended to be there as a way of letting players keep cards in their decks, and it was being stretched in unfortunate ways as a result.
There are a couple more small changes worth highlighting:
  • Improperly Determining a Winner now includes the nicely recursive Improperly Detemining Whether or Not To Actually Play the Match under things that are not acceptable. This isn't a policy change, but there had been some debate over whether rolling a die to decide whether to draw fell under here. It should, and that's been made clearer.
  • Similarly, making an illegal choice for a permanent entering the battlefield is 'failing to make a choice', and that's been added to the wording.
  • Finally, the paragraph about responsibility for illegal actions has been moved into the Game Rule Violation section (rather than as a general part of the Game Play Error instructions). This reflects the fact that the philosophy really only applies to Game Rule Violations, while removing some unfortunate interactions with the Game Play Errors that had a Game Loss as their penalty.
And then there's the usual cleanups - references to the JAR were updated, various grammar fixes to help make things clearer. Thanks to everyone who contributed to these discussions or sent in proposed changes, including Jason Lemahieu, Jeff Morrow, Jurgen Baert, Jared Sylva, Christian Gawrilowicz, Brian Schenck, Daniel Schoenbach, and everyone else who offered a suggestion or perspective, even if we didn't end up going in the direction they were hoping for!
Good luck to everyone with the upcoming Nationals season and, as always, if anyone has any feedback, I'd love to hear from you.
Toby Elliott